The Most Common Questions About Cloth Diapering

The most common questions about cloth diapering answered

Cloth Diapering FAQ’s 

Here we offer answers to some frequently asked questions we receive. Our Q&A’s tackle some of the most common questions about cloth diapering. If your question is still unanswered, check out our How-To blogs or ask us at   

Q. What are the benefits of cloth diapers?

A. There are so many benefits to using cloth diapers. They help reduce waste. They help save money. They are easy to use. And let’s not forget that today’s stylish and modern cloth diapers come in a variety of oh-so-cute colours and patterns. 


Read about the benefits of cloth diapering at Why Choose Cloth Diapers.

Q. How many cloth diapers do I need?

A. For newborns and young infants, the suggested number of cloth diapers and inserts is 24 to 36. For older infants, we suggest 14 to 24 diapers and inserts. These suggestions are based on the need to change a diaper every 2 hours, and would require washing every 2 to 3 days. If you plan to launder your diapers more frequently, you could make-do with fewer. 

Q. Can I cloth diaper with multiple kids in diapers? 

A. Absolutely! Cloth diapering is perfect when you have multiple children. The cost savings are significantly multiplied when you have more than one child using cloth diapers, and your impact on the environment is significantly reduced. It also makes for a more efficient load of laundry.

Q. Do I need different sized cloth diapers as my child grows? 

A. Nora’s Nursery now offers 3 sizes of cloth diapers! Our original 'baby' size is designed to grow with your baby from 10 pounds to approximently 35lbs. This size is available in Cover, and Pocket Diapers . 

We have expanded our insert collection to include materials such as Bamboo, Charcoal, Hemp, and most recently, Cotton. Each of our inserts include a snap system to be compatible with both our Pocket, and Cover Diapers. Check out our full insert collection here,

Our next size up is our Toddler Pocket Diapers. Designed to grow with your toddler from 35-55lbs. This style is currently available as a pocket diaper style, and are compatible with our Larger Bamboo Inserts, designed for these specific Pocket Diapers. Please note that inserts for our Toddler Pocket Diapers are sold separately. 

Our newest addition, is our Newborn AIO Diapers. Designed for newborns from birth to approximently 12lbs. Our Newborn AIO Diapers come with 14 all-in-one diapers, and 1 Diaper Pod to hold all 14 diapers. These diapers feature an umbilical cord snap to snap down to protect your baby's cord until it falls off, as well as  2 sewn in inserts + 2 attached inserts for faster drying. Made from 80% Bamboo and 20% Polyester. 

Q. Is my baby too old to start wearing cloth diapers? 

A. Nora’s Nursery Reusable Cloth Diapers size off of weight, and not age. Our Newborn AIO's are designed for Newborns from birth to 12lbs. Our Baby Sized Pocket, and Cover Diapers are designed to fit babies 10 to 35 pounds. Our Toddler, 35-55 lbs, If your child is still or needs to be wearing diapers, he/she is not "too old" for cloth diapers. When planning your transition, just remember that older infants will require fewer diapers than younger ones. Check out 'How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need' for more information. 


New to cloth diapering and looking for more info? Visit Cloth Diapers 101

Q. How often will I have to wash my cloth diapers?

A. Having a larger stash of diapers means you can go longer periods of time between washings. If you have a smaller stash, you may run a load every night. It is recommended that you do not wait longer than 3 days between washing. The longer you wait, the more challenges you may encounter, including an increased chance of mildew growth, diapers that deteriorate over time, and additional stubborn stains that may be tough to remove. 

Q. How long will it take to wash cloth diapers? 

A. Washing cloth diapers shouldn’t be much different than running a regular load of laundry. Once solid waste has been flushed down the toilet, empty your pail or wet/dry bag into the washer for a cold rinse, add some detergent for a hot wash, run an extra rinse if you need to remove excess detergent, toss them in the dryer, and you’re done. Your washer and dryer do most of the work! Folding and sorting the diapers and inserts, once clean, will take a few minutes depending on how many you have in your stash.

Q. How to clean cloth diapers with poop? 

A. Whether using cloth diapers or not, parents and caregivers of babies and toddlers deal with poop every day. With cloth diapers, any solids (other than those from an exclusively breastfed baby) need to be discarded in the toilet. Shake the diaper over the toilet, use biodegradable cloth diaper liners, or spray using a hose attached to your toilet. Whatever your method, you want to remove as much solid waste as possible before placing the diaper in the washing machine. Follow our recommended cloth diaper wash routine and you are done! 

Q. How do I know my cloth diapers are clean? 

A. Go ahead, smell them! When cloth diapers have been adequately cleaned, they should be odorless. So long as you are following our recommended cloth diaper wash routine instructions, rest assured, they are clean. Remember that staining is normal and does not mean the diaper is dirty or ruined.

Q. What is the best cloth diaper wash routine? 

Remove solid waste. Rinse. Wash. Extra Rinse as needed. Dry. Washing cloth diapers is that simple! Wondering how to clean cloth diapers with poop? Ensure to remove as much waste as possible before starting your regular cloth diaper wash routine. Using biodegradable cloth diaper liners can help with removing poop and minimize staining. 


Get the details of washing cloth diapers. Visit Washing 101

Q. How do I wash cloth diapers if I have hard water? 

A. The high mineral content of hard water can significantly affect the performance of your laundry detergent, and can leave mineral build-up on your diaper cloth fabric. Over time, your diapers may leak, or you may have trouble getting them clean. Thankfully, this can all be avoided by using a water softener during your cloth diaper wash routine. Add a powder or liquid softener during the rinse and wash cycle, or look for a commercial detergent that contains water softeners. Check out our Hard Water and Cloth Diapers blog for more information and suggestions.   

Q. What is the best cloth diaper detergent? 

A. There are a lot of options to choose from when considering the best detergent for washing cloth diapers. What you use will depend on your personal preferences, your washing machine and the type of water you have – hard or soft. Do not use detergents that contain fabric softeners, and avoid detergents with harsh chemicals, dyes, fragrances, optical brighteners and bleach. 


For details and recommendations on cloth diaper detergents, 
visit The Best Detergent for Cloth Diapers.

Q. Can I use a diaper rash cream with my cloth diapers? 

A. Yes, and there are a variety to choose from. Some brands contain ingredients that are difficult to remove from cloth diapers, and will create absorbency issues over time. Nora’s Nursery has put together a list of top 10 diaper rash creams that are cloth diaper safe and effective – visit Diaper Creams and Cloth Diapers

Q. How do I strip my cloth diapers? 

A. When battling repelling issues or mineral build-up, stripping your cloth diapers may bring them back to life. A basic cloth diaper stripping routine includes using a product like RLR laundry treatment or washing soda. If you are noticing an ammonia or barnyard smell on your diapers, you may have bacteria build-up. This can be addressed through a deep clean. 


To learn more about tackling mineral or bacteria build-up and other repelling issues, 
visit Washing 101 and Stripping and Restoring Your Diapers.

Q. Can I wash my cloth diapers with other clothing?

A. Yes! This is a great way to save time on loads of laundry. As always, be sure that you have removed as much solid waste as possible from your diapers prior to washing. Be certain that clothing you wash with your cloth diapers is not significantly soiled with dirt or oil, and does not require excessive detergent. Also, ensure your clothes can handle the warm water that is recommended for washing cloth diapers. Worried about the transfer of smells? Clean diaper cloth fabric should be odorless, and this applies to your laundered clothes as well. 

Q. Can I wash my Nora’s Nursery diapers with my other cloth diaper brands? 

A. Yes, as long as they follow the same washing instructions. If washing with diapers that use Velcro, be sure to fold over the tabs to avoid your diapers sticking together.

Q. What type of diaper cloth fabric does Nora’s Nursery use? 

A. Nora’s Nursery cloth diapers include an outer waterproof diaper shell and an absorptive insert. Our diaper cloth fabric includes suede with a TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) lining, and our inserts are designed with two exterior layers of bamboo to maintain comfort and two inner layers of microfiber to absorb moisture. Curious about TPU? Read our Q&A below. 

Q. What is the difference between a TPU and a PUL liner? 

A. Diaper cloth fabric comes in many forms. TPU and PUL are the polyester materials that make the waterproof outer shell of many cloth diapers. The difference is in the way that they are manufactured: PUL (Polyurethane Laminate) is laminated using solvents through a chemical bonding process, while TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane) is bonded to polyester using heat bonding (as opposed to solvents), therefore using less harsh chemicals in the process.

Q. Will cloth diapers make my baby hot? 

A. Cloth diapers of the past were commonly made with vinyl. Modern cloth diapers are no longer made of vinyl - they are specially designed using natural materials that actually let babies skin breathe, and therefore stay cool. Air can flow more easily in a cloth diaper than in a disposable, which will also help to reduce the likelihood of bum rashes.

Q. Can my baby’s daycare use cloth diapers? 

A. Every daycare has its own unique set of policies. Speak with the owner or manager of your daycare to learn their guidelines and preferences. To ease any burden or confusion, bring your pocket cloth diapers pre-stuffed with inserts so they are ready to use, and supply your wet/dry bag. Cloth diapers are really not that much different than disposables, and pocket or all-in-one diapers are among the easiest to use. Your daycare staff should adjust to using them just fine! Ask them to store soiled diapers in the wet/dry bag, and you can take care of removing solids and washing at home. This will alleviate any concerns your daycare staff may have. 

Getting ready for daycare? Read our tips on Making Cloth Diapers Daycare Friendly

Q. How do I store my dirty cloth diapers? 

A. A wet/dry bag is a great option to store your dirty cloth diapers until laundry time. These bags will also make diaper changes on the go a lot easier. They contain a pocket for clean diapers and a pocket for dirty diapers, and therefore will contain smells and messes. Nora’s Nursery 7 Packs come with a wet/dry bag, or a 2 pack of wet/dry bags can be purchased separately.

Q. How do I increase my cloth diaper absorbency overnight? 

A. Simply add another insert! It’s that easy and will increase the amount your diapers can absorb overnight. Check out our Cloth Diaper Absorbency Chart to see the absorbency of all of our inserts! To provide more overnight protection and avoid leaks, visit Using Cloth Diapers at Night

Q. Can I travel with cloth diapers? 

A. Of course you can travel with cloth diapers, just consider how long you will be gone for and if you have access to a washing machine. Consider using disposable cloth diaper liners if you will not have easy access to a washing machine – this way you can flush the liner and the mess, and you don’t have to store a soiled diaper for days. 

Check out more tips on Travelling with Cloth Diapers.

About Nora's

Here at Nora's we pride ourselves on providing you and your little ones with sustainable Cloth Diapering and Nursery products that are made with the highest quality materials and up-to-date on stylish designs and functionality.

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