Baby Milestones Newborn - Age 2, Guide to Development

Baby Milestones from Newborn to Age Two: A Comprehensive Guide to Physical, Cognitive, and Social Development

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an extraordinary experience filled with anticipation and wonder. As parents, we are eager to witness our little ones' growth and development. From their first smile to their first steps, every milestone achieved is a precious moment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the physical, cognitive, social, and motor skills milestones that mark your baby's journey from newborn to age two. 

Physical Milestones

Rolling Over: Around the 4-6 month mark  a remarkable transformation unfolds as your baby discovers the art of rolling over, and with a combination of curiosity and determination, they'll master the skill of flipping from tummy to back and vice versa. It's a breathtaking moment as they navigate their own little world, revealing a newfound sense of control over their body.  Expand your baby's play area, with our Baby Floor Mat on our Amazon to help encourage their growth and development through these physical milestones. 

Sitting Up: By 6-8 months, most babies can sit independently without support. Gone are the days of relying on your supporting hands, and now, they command their balance and posture. 

Crawling: Between 6-10 months, your little one will begin to explore their surroundings by crawling. Your baby’s nursery will become their new playground and their world will expand as they learn to move around on their own, leaving no corner untouched in your home. It's a time of great discovery, filled with laughter and curiosity, as they discover the thrill of independent mobility. From the Theme, to the Crib Sheets and every detail in between, a lot of thought and love goes into your baby’s new home. We created the Ultimate Nursery Checklist to help parents stay organized, including all the essential products you and your baby may need.

Walking: Around 9-15 months, your baby will take their first  steps. These initial wobbly steps, accompanied by a mixture of determination and joy, mark the beginning of a journey that will lead them to the world of independence. With each passing day, their steps become steadier, and by the time they reach age two, they'll have mastered the graceful dance of walking.

Fine Motor Skills: From grasping objects to feeding themselves, your baby's fine motor skills will gradually improve over time. From those early days of grasping objects with a hint of uncertainty, to the moment they begin to feed themselves, you'll witness a breathtaking transformation. The delicate precision with which they manipulate objects not only fuels their curiosity but also lays the foundation for a multitude of future endeavors.

As you witness these incredible physical milestones, remember that each step represents a new level of growth and exploration. Embrace each moment, capturing the wonder of their development as they journey through these foundational stages of mobility and dexterity.

Cognitive Milestones

Eye Contact: Newborns establish eye contact as early as a few weeks old, strengthening their connection with you. This early form of communication lays the foundation for a deep bond between you and your baby, as their gaze reflects the budding curiosity and attachment they feel. Check out our blog on when is a baby no longer a newborn  for more on the early stages of communication your baby shows as they adjust to their new environment.


Babbling: Around 6-8 months, your baby will experiment with sounds, babbling incoherently as they try to communicate. In a display of linguistic experimentation, they venture into the realm of sounds, creating a vocabulary of incoherent yet captivating communication. This marks their initial attempts at expressing themselves and engaging in the art of dialogue.

First Words: By 12 months, a new chapter of communication unfolds as your baby utters their first words. most babies will utter their first words, such as "mama" or "dada." These words carry a world of sentiment, and meaning. With each uttered sound, they bridge the gap between their thoughts and spoken language, discovering a new way to connect with the world around them.


Object Permanence: Around 8-12 months, your baby will understand that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.The realization that things still exist even when hidden from view is a cognitive milestone that opens a realm of possibilities. This newfound awareness not only enriches their play but also lays the groundwork for more complex forms of thinking.

Problem-Solving: As your baby grows, they will develop problem-solving skills by stacking blocks, fitting shapes, and completing puzzles. Each step up is a testament to their evolving cognitive abilities, as they navigate challenges, experiment with solutions, and celebrate their own ingenuity.

 As you witness these cognitive milestones, remember that each achievement is a window into your baby's expanding world of understanding and curiosity. Embrace their journey through these milestones with our baby milestone book. Marvelling at their innate capacity to explore, learn, and engage with the ever-enriching tapestry of experiences.

 Social Milestones

Social Smiles: Around the one-month mark, you may start to notice signs that your baby is transitioning out of the newborn stage, and the journey of social interaction begins as your baby reaches the tender age of 2 to 3 months. During this time, your baby will start responding to your smiles and expressions with their own delightful smiles. Their eager smiles, and facial expressions reflect a growing responsiveness to your presence, laying the foundation for a unique bond that will evolve as they do.

 Stranger Anxiety: Between 6-8 months, your baby's social awareness takes a notable leap with the introduction of stranger anxiety. Your baby may become wary of unfamiliar faces, demonstrating their developing social awareness., This phase marks a pivotal moment in their understanding of familiar and unfamiliar faces. As they cautiously assess those who approach, you witness the seedlings of their own social discernment taking root.

Parallel Play: From 12-18 months, introduces an intriguing stage of social interaction known as parallel play. Your baby will engage in parallel play, playing alongside other children without direct interaction. As your baby engages in activities side by side with other children, a silence of their observation and curiosity unfolds. While not directly interacting, they're learning the art of companionship, cooperation, and the unspoken language of shared experiences. 

Sharing and Cooperation: By age two, your child will begin to understand the concept of sharing and demonstrate cooperation with others. With growing interaction, they grasp the concept that happiness can be multiplied by sharing and that teamwork leads to success. These early lessons lay the groundwork for harmonious interactions and the formation of lasting relationships. 

Empathy: Around 18-24 months, your toddler may show signs of empathy begin to unfold, comforting others when they are upset. Watch as your toddler responds to the emotions of others, offering comfort and reassurance when someone is upset. This beginning of empathy reflects not only their emotional intelligence but also their innate capacity for understanding and connection, forging a path towards deeper relationships.

In the ever-evolving narrative of your baby's social development, each milestone becomes a building block that shapes their interactions and relationships. Cherish these moments of growth, as they cultivate the seeds of empathy, cooperation, and the art of connection that will continue to flourish throughout their life's journey.

Motor Skills Milestones

Reaching and Grasping: From birth, your baby will start reaching for objects and developing their ability to grasp them. Through the newborn stage, as their muscles gain strength and coordination, you'll notice improvements in their motor skills. They may begin to grasp objects, bring their hands to their mouth, or swat at toys. Their tiny hands start exploring the world around them, attempting to grasp objects that pique their interest. With each successful grip, they unravel a world of tactile sensations, setting the stage for a lifetime of interaction.

Hand-Eye Coordination: By 6-8 months, your baby's hand-eye coordination unfolds and will improve as they reach for objects and successfully grab them. With increasing precision, they reach out for objects, aligning their vision and touch to effortlessly clasp what their curious eyes have set upon. This connection between their hands and their gaze is a testament to their growing mastery of movement and perception.

Throwing and Kicking: Between 12-18 months, your toddler discovers the thrill of physical engagement through throwing and kicking. They may  start throwing balls or attempting to kick them. The exhilarating moment they release a ball and watch it soar through the air is a testament to their developing motor skills and newfound spatial understanding. Their giggles become the soundtrack of their experiments as they explore the possibilities of momentum and movement.

Scribbling: Around 18-24 months, your child will begin scribbling with crayons, markers, or pencils, enhancing their fine motor skills. Stocked with crayons, markers, or pencils, your child begins to translate their imaginative worlds onto paper. As they create lines and shapes, their fine motor skills are refined with each stroke, leading to the birth of visual stories and the cultivation of artistic exploration. The 18-24 month mark also brings the excitement of potty training. Read our full blog to help with the transition into potty training. 

Building Towers: By the time your toddler reaches the age of two, they will enjoy building towers using blocks, refining their motor skills and spatial awareness. As they've grasped these skills,  building towers using blocks becomes a cherished endeavor, requiring a delicate balance of coordination and spatial awareness. With every block they stack, their understanding of balance, order, and construction deepens, fostering a sense of achievement and accomplishment. 

In this enchanting narrative of motor skill milestones, your child's growth and development are illuminated by their evolving abilities to interact, create, and engage with the world. Celebrate each stage of their journey, knowing that these motor skills are not just physical accomplishments but the foundations upon which their exploration and creativity will flourish.




Q1: When do babies start crawling?

A1: Most babies start crawling between 6-10 months of age, but some may begin earlier or later.


Q2: When can I expect my baby to say their first words?

A2: Babies typically utter their first words around 12 months, although the timing can vary.


Q3: How can I encourage my baby's motor skills development?

A3: Providing age-appropriate toys, tummy time, and ample opportunities for exploration can support motor skills development.


From the early days of rolling over to the joyous moment of witnessing their first steps, your baby's milestones bring excitement and pride. By understanding the physical, cognitive, social, and motor skills milestones, you can appreciate and nurture your baby's development during the first two years of their life. Remember, every child progresses at their own pace, so embrace and celebrate their unique journey of growth. Yo ur baby's journey is a remarkable and beautiful chapter in your life. Check out our new and improved baby book, where you can capture and preserve your baby's cherished memories in a way that reflects your family's unique story. 
In this blog post, we have covered various baby milestones from newborn to age two, including physical, cognitive, social, and motor skills development. We hope this comprehensive guide helps you better understand and support your little one's growth. If you have any further questions or experiences to share, please let us know! 

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